Deepening Our Lenten Journey

DEEPENING OUR LENTEN JOURNEY   I have a confession to make: Lent is not my favourite Ecclesial Season.   At its beginning, I’m counting down days for it to be over so I can be relieved that I don’t have to do that again for another twelve months. If not for the Grace of God, […]

The Swaddling Cloth

THE SWADDLING CLOTH Meditating on the Word of God should lead us to new places: new revelation in God, ourselves and others. Each word of scripture has the ability to awaken awe within us and draw us further into the mystery of God. It is easy to become so familiar with God’s Word, that our […]

Presence Not Presents

PRESENCE NOT PRESENTS Advent. A time of waiting. A time when the Church invites us to enter into the profound mystery of the Incarnation. For many, preparation for this event is choosing the right presents; decorating the Christmas Tree; selecting the dinner menu; socializing with friends and family. In this hub of activity, our excitement […]

Journaling In Prayer

JOURNALING IN PRAYER Catholic tradition teaches us that our God is a God who longs to continually communicate with us. The Church states that He does this in 3 basic ways: through Creation; through the voice of our conscience; and through Sacred Scripture. The truth that God is always endeavoring to get the attention of […]

The Voice Within

THE VOICE WITHIN If I asked you “What is one of the most powerful tools you have in this life”, how likely are you to answer “My Voice”?   In a world filled with voices, be it through social media, television shows, advertisements or even conversations with family and friends, we can go through our […]

The Dance To Pentecost

  THE DANCE TO PENTECOST As we prepare for Pentecost, for many of us our lives are humming a repetitive tune of a day filled with work, family and the all too familiar daily grind. If you relate, then I hope this article encourages you to a new openness, to hear a new tune and […]

Loneliness In Leadership

Loneliness in leadership

  LONELINESS IN LEADERSHIP A poem I recently read summarizes the partnership of leadership and loneliness. (In part) “Leaders are called to stand in that lonely place between the no longer and the not yet. They will intentionally make decisions that will bind, forge, move and create history. Leaders are not called to be popular, […]

Women In Leadership

  WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP My leadership landscape spans nearly 50 years, beginning as early as High School. Much of that experience has been in voluntary capacities within the Catholic Church but I can say that I have also learnt leadership in my role as a wife and mother. Regardless of our specific station in life, […]

Selfie Stick & Me

  SELFIE STICK & ME Imagine an archaeological dig site in 1000 years time. A long aluminium stick with a claw on one end and button on the other is found. After much research it is discovered to be a ‘selfie-stick’ from the 21st Century. It is displayed in the National Museum with the following […]

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