Finding God’s Purpose For You

FINDING GOD’S PURPOSE FOR YOU As children of God, I see two fundamental needs to our faith journey. Firstly, being affirmed in our identity through God’s eyes. Second, to know our purpose and calling in this life. As Mother Angelica fittingly puts it “God from all eternity chose you to be where you […]
The Thing That Happened In Between

̌THE THING THAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEN Originally published by Blessed Is She “I was one way … and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between … was Him.” These are my favorite lines from Season 1 of The Chosen TV series that portray with artistic imagination and dialogue, the back-story […]
Fasting – God’s Way

FASTING – GOD’S WAY Lent is here and it’s a good time to offer some thoughts to take us into this penitential period. Traditionally, the Church prescribes extra prayer, fasting and almsgiving as a token of Lenten sincerity and as an act of compassion. As Charismatic Catholics, we are well used to practicing these disciplines: […]
For Such A Time As This

FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS Reading the book of Esther is like watching a thriller. The plot is inundated with twists and turns, euphoria and enigma, setbacks and stunning returns. Every scene is satiated with strategically orchestrated drama and keeps you fixated as mystery and marvel unravels with artistic imagination. There are heroes and […]
Discovering Joy

DISCOVERING JOY It was June 2021 and God worked a big miracle in my life. I was finally healing from a specific mental illness that had created severe wounds, both in my personal and spiritual life for years. I could taste God’s grace and freedom after what felt like eternity. I was finally happy. This […]
Choose Light

CHOOSE LIGHT Annie Dillard, the famed American author and poet once wrote, “If you want to look at the stars, you will find that darkness is required. But the stars…they are always there, they neither require it nor demand it.” It made me wonder if we treated life the same way. Not too long ago, […]
God-incidences With Mother Teresa

GOD-INCIDENCES WITH MOTHER TERESA As a fresh graduate, I was thrilled to start the next chapter of my life. Finding a job in the midst of a pandemic though, not so thrilling. After spending weeks on LinkedIn looking for opportunities and failing miserably, I thought that formatting the appearance of my profile would perhaps better […]
Living In The Light

LIVING IN THE LIGHT “…98, 99, 100. Ready or not, here I come.” If you are familiar with the classic game of ‘hide and seek’, you would know the scurrying footsteps that set these words into motion. Back when I was little, this game was very popular among all the kids who lived in the […]
The Whisper

THE WHISPER The Lord said (to Elijah), “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After […]
Am I A Good Christian?

AM I A GOOD CHRISTIAN? “But I thought you were a good Christian!”, I half-joked as I responded to someone openly talking about his sex life in a group. “I’m a Christian, just not a good one. I know I have a lot to answer to God for, when I see Him” he grinned as […]