Renewing Of Our Mind

RENEWING OF OUR MIND “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” (Romans 12:2) If we’re honest, we will testify that it is challenging to always be under the pressure to think, believe and act in a certain way. Becoming like Christ, we can admit […]
Today’s Special: Leftovers

TODAY’S SPECIAL: LEFTOVERS Whenever I return from a long journey or a strenuous outdoor activity, my go-to recovery pack is a nice hot shower followed by a good home-cooked meal. I remember this one time when I arrived home to my parents after an extremely long flight. It landed at an odd hour in […]
How To Save A Life

HOW TO SAVE A LIFE Have you ever watched a movie or a TV show where a line or scene spoke directly to you or perhaps echoed a message you came across elsewhere? I for sure have these light-bulb moments. The characters and stories on these shows might surely be fictional, but when seen […]
A Season Of Secrets

A SEASON OF SECRETS As I walked through the computer lab a few days ago and passed by a group of children at work upon their assignments, we greeted each other. I stopped to say a personal word of appreciation to each one of them. However one little girl advised me not to appreciate […]
Royal Perks

ROYAL PERKS ‘Prince offers all guests diamond rings as his wedding gift.’ This was a news headline I came across very recently about one of the royal families in the Middle East. As I went on to read the article, I saw images of the couple where the bride looked absolutely stunning with the […]
Penetrating Light

PENETRATING LIGHT After Christmas, one of the harshest realities any child faces is accepting that the fanfare is ever so short-lived. Despite their protests that it stay, the season dims, fading into the coda of yet another calendar year. Carols are replaced, lights brought down, and the tree safely tucked away. Yet, fittingly, the […]
Goals From The Garden

GOALS FROM THE GARDEN We are onto that time of the year wherein people optimistically set goals. If you’re fresh into this year and find the goals you’ve set have given you an appetite for more, then this post is what you need. Over the years, I have learned that leadership is […]
New Year, New Mercy

NEW YEAR, NEW MERCY Though I have never witnessed a court trial firsthand, my dad’s account of the often humiliating scenes in his encounters with the legal system offered me a new perspective on justice and mercy. On one such occasion, my dad related, teenagers driving with expired licenses and having parked in no-parking […]