Journaling In Prayer

JOURNALING IN PRAYER Catholic tradition teaches us that our God is a God who longs to continually communicate with us. The Church states that He does this in 3 basic ways: through Creation; through the voice of our conscience; and through Sacred Scripture. The truth that God is always endeavoring to get the attention of […]
The Peril Of Perfectionism

THE PERIL OF PERFECTIONISM Confession, ladies: I have struggled with perfectionism for years. I still do on so many levels. Being the goal-oriented person I am, I struggle to keep up to “the list,” “the planner,” “the performance,” very often affording myself little or no grace. It’s taken me years to even receive […]
The Voice Within

THE VOICE WITHIN If I asked you “What is one of the most powerful tools you have in this life”, how likely are you to answer “My Voice”? In a world filled with voices, be it through social media, television shows, advertisements or even conversations with family and friends, we can go through our […]
The Window Sill

THE WINDOW SILL A favourite childhood delight was watching Dad shave. Every morning he would take his place in front of a little mirror that hung at the mid-post between two large windows which gave on to the quiet street below. As a little girl, I would often perch on the window sill and […]
The Dance To Pentecost

THE DANCE TO PENTECOST As we prepare for Pentecost, for many of us our lives are humming a repetitive tune of a day filled with work, family and the all too familiar daily grind. If you relate, then I hope this article encourages you to a new openness, to hear a new tune and […]
Raising (God’s) Children

RAISING (GOD’S) CHILDREN Many years ago, a friend and I held a Life in the Spirit Seminar for our children, the eldest being 8 and the youngest 2. We sat each day for a week around the kitchen table and told them about Jesus, how much He loved them and all about the Holy […]
The Virtue Of Modesty

THE VIRTUE OF MODESTY When my daughter was small, the fashion world had little impact on her clothing choices. I could relax knowing that she would happily put on anything that I gave her. But as she grew older and her world enlarged, so did her perception of fashion. She is 14 years old […]
Loneliness In Leadership

LONELINESS IN LEADERSHIP A poem I recently read summarizes the partnership of leadership and loneliness. (In part) “Leaders are called to stand in that lonely place between the no longer and the not yet. They will intentionally make decisions that will bind, forge, move and create history. Leaders are not called to be popular, […]
Called By Name

CALLED BY NAME Perhaps no other woman has gained as much notoriety in her time as Mary Magdalene. In 2009, the controversial bestseller The Da Vinci Code revived some serious allegations against her. But what do we know of this Mary? Mark the Evangelist tells us that Mary Magdalene, possessed by seven evil […]
Freedom At The Fringe

FREEDOM AT THE FRINGE On her wedding day, Marilyn opened her bridal dress package with great eagerness, her fingers trembling with excitement at this awesome event in her life. Tugging at the thongs she finally got the box open and gazed at the beautiful white dress in rapture. There were sighs of wonder […]