The Swaddling Cloth

THE SWADDLING CLOTH Meditating on the Word of God should lead us to new places: new revelation in God, ourselves and others. Each word of scripture has the ability to awaken awe within us and draw us further into the mystery of God. It is easy to become so familiar with God’s Word, that our […]
The Unexpected Of Advent

THE UNEXPECTED OF ADVENT “I’m gonna be down for the holidays!” I hurriedly texted a close friend followed by a trail of emoticons to ensure my excitement was thoroughly conveyed. Having moved away from home to join university in a new country, I had missed traditional festivities for a whole 3 years. So […]
Presence Not Presents

PRESENCE NOT PRESENTS Advent. A time of waiting. A time when the Church invites us to enter into the profound mystery of the Incarnation. For many, preparation for this event is choosing the right presents; decorating the Christmas Tree; selecting the dinner menu; socializing with friends and family. In this hub of activity, our excitement […]