Saint Joseph The Worker + The Meaningful Mundane

SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER + THE MEANINGFUL MUNDANE Originally published by Blessed Is She Tolkien’s short but poignant work “Leaf by Niggle” offers fascinating insights into the intersection of our personal and professional lives. Niggle’s vocation involves painting leaves. But he battles against his own inertia as various chores and inconveniences keep him from finishing […]
Peter + Paul: Saintly Polar Opposites

PETER + PAUL: SAINTLY POLAR OPPOSITES Originally published by Blessed Is She A few years ago, a colleague at work asked, “Why does the Catholic Church spend so much money on expensive cathedrals when half of the world suffers in poverty?” I wasn’t surprised. As an atheist turned Catholic, I have been there and wonder […]
The Transfiguration Of The Lord

ON THE FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD Originally published by Blessed Is She I will never forget that ecstatic feeling, as we sat on top of “First”, the minor summit above Grindelwald, Switzerland. We were a troupe of 10, making our way to the 50th Charismatic Jubilee celebrations in Rome and had stopped […]
Transformed By Light With Caravaggio

TRANSFORMED BY LIGHT WITH CARAVAGGIO Originally published by Blessed Is She I have often wondered what went through Matthew’s mind as he felt the tug to “come, follow.” I wonder if he reasoned at the new possibility before him. In my own journey from Atheism to Faith, I cannot look back without denying the shadows […]
Journaling In Prayer

JOURNALING IN PRAYER Catholic tradition teaches us that our God is a God who longs to continually communicate with us. The Church states that He does this in 3 basic ways: through Creation; through the voice of our conscience; and through Sacred Scripture. The truth that God is always endeavoring to get the attention of […]
Mi Hermano

MI HERMANO I only have one sibling, my older brother – ‘mi hermano’ (‘my brother’ in Spanish). He is arguably the most influential person, right from my formative years as a baby, toddler, teen and now as a young adult. Besides being my best playmate, his crazy imagination and enthusiastic ideas made for adventurous […]
Today’s Special: Leftovers

TODAY’S SPECIAL: LEFTOVERS Whenever I return from a long journey or a strenuous outdoor activity, my go-to recovery pack is a nice hot shower followed by a good home-cooked meal. I remember this one time when I arrived home to my parents after an extremely long flight. It landed at an odd hour in […]
The Better Portion

THE BETTER PORTION I recently heard a talk where the speaker referred to how the name ‘Scrooge’, a protagonist from Charles Dickens’s famous novel A Christmas Carol, has now become synonymous with anyone who is grumpy, self–contained or miserly. Interesting to think how a name, not recognized or verified by any official authorities, simply […]