The Heart Of Modesty

THE HEART OF MODESTY Originally published by Blessed Is She   My initial reaction to Matthew West’s latest single “Modest is Hottest” was amusement. Although I love his music, I didn’t quite understand why the lyrics needed to carry a legalistic grip to convey the message on modesty. Besides, the word “hot” is burdened with sexual […]

Something About Mary

SOMETHING ABOUT MARY There’s something about Mary!   I’d be lying if I say I knew exactly what this meant, following my conversion in 2004. My journey to Catholicism has been long and wrecked with confusion. Among many things, Mary was a big deal. I struggled with Our Lady’s place in the life of the […]

The Peril Of Perfectionism

  THE PERIL OF PERFECTIONISM Confession, ladies: I have struggled with perfectionism for years. I still do on so many levels.   Being the goal-oriented person I am, I struggle to keep up to “the list,” “the planner,” “the performance,” very often affording myself little or no grace. It’s taken me years to even receive […]

The Voice Within

THE VOICE WITHIN If I asked you “What is one of the most powerful tools you have in this life”, how likely are you to answer “My Voice”?   In a world filled with voices, be it through social media, television shows, advertisements or even conversations with family and friends, we can go through our […]

The Virtue Of Modesty

  THE VIRTUE OF MODESTY When my daughter was small, the fashion world had little impact on her clothing choices. I could relax knowing that she would happily put on anything that I gave her. But as she grew older and her world enlarged, so did her perception of fashion. She is 14 years old […]

Called By Name

Called by name

  CALLED BY NAME Perhaps no other woman has gained as much notoriety in her time as Mary Magdalene. In 2009, the controversial bestseller The Da Vinci Code revived some serious allegations against her.   But what do we know of this Mary? Mark the Evangelist tells us that Mary Magdalene, possessed by seven evil […]

Women In Leadership

  WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP My leadership landscape spans nearly 50 years, beginning as early as High School. Much of that experience has been in voluntary capacities within the Catholic Church but I can say that I have also learnt leadership in my role as a wife and mother. Regardless of our specific station in life, […]

Redefining Self-Image

  REDEFINING SELF-IMAGE Most women today, asked to describe their ‘self-image’ will give an answer associated with body image. The degree to which our deepest identity is shaped by how we feel about our bodies is confounding. The struggle is real: I can personally attest to the overwhelming number of women who are literally ‘not at […]

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