What To Do When You Struggle To Forgive

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU STRUGGLE TO FORGIVE Originally published by Blessed Is She “Forgiveness is letting the prisoner go free, only to know the prisoner is me” is an adage that could not be truer in Corrie ten Boom’s life. In her book, The Hiding Place, the Dutch Christian writer describes her experience in Amsterdam during […]
Being A Catholic Witness In The Workplace

BEING A CATHOLIC WITNESS IN THE WORKPLACE Originally published by Blessed Is She It was an ordinary day at work. Svend was frantically shuffling through the papers, his eyes fixated but his body language giving way to the tension that filled the air. In my new role as HR Business Partner, I quickly learned that […]
Setting A Prisoner Free

SETTING A PRISONER FREE If you’ve experienced the bitter sting of unforgiveness at some point in your life, you are not alone. Betrayal, harsh words and failed promises leave painful cavernous aches and indelible footprints on our soul. Even at our best attempts to forgive, past emotions trigger, causing us to squirm all over again, […]
God-incidences With Mother Teresa

GOD-INCIDENCES WITH MOTHER TERESA As a fresh graduate, I was thrilled to start the next chapter of my life. Finding a job in the midst of a pandemic though, not so thrilling. After spending weeks on LinkedIn looking for opportunities and failing miserably, I thought that formatting the appearance of my profile would perhaps better […]
Complete In Christ

COMPLETE IN CHRIST She stood outside in the open and free market square, flashing her big, dark eyes, attracting inevitable attention. Determined to squeeze every ounce of admiration from her prospective ‘onlookers’ and potential ‘clients’, she glanced the busy street to see if there was anyone who saw her beyond her fragrant and fertile invitation. […]
The Voice Within

THE VOICE WITHIN If I asked you “What is one of the most powerful tools you have in this life”, how likely are you to answer “My Voice”? In a world filled with voices, be it through social media, television shows, advertisements or even conversations with family and friends, we can go through our […]
A Season Of Secrets

A SEASON OF SECRETS As I walked through the computer lab a few days ago and passed by a group of children at work upon their assignments, we greeted each other. I stopped to say a personal word of appreciation to each one of them. However one little girl advised me not to appreciate […]