Clothed With Power

CLOTHED WITH POWER One of the most dazzling of sights in holy scripture has to be the disciples’ experience in the Upper Room. Jesus had promised His Spirit and they were asked to wait, until they were clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49). I wonder if they really understood what Jesus was talking […]
The Whisper

THE WHISPER The Lord said (to Elijah), “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After […]
The Peril Of Perfectionism

THE PERIL OF PERFECTIONISM Confession, ladies: I have struggled with perfectionism for years. I still do on so many levels. Being the goal-oriented person I am, I struggle to keep up to “the list,” “the planner,” “the performance,” very often affording myself little or no grace. It’s taken me years to even receive […]
The Voice Within

THE VOICE WITHIN If I asked you “What is one of the most powerful tools you have in this life”, how likely are you to answer “My Voice”? In a world filled with voices, be it through social media, television shows, advertisements or even conversations with family and friends, we can go through our […]
A Shepherd Who Seeks

A SHEPHERD WHO SEEKS “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.” This caption from a viral ad campaign titled ‘Priceless’ by MasterCard launched over twenty years ago, is still fondly remembered even today. A journalist who interviewed the marketing team behind this popular strategy recorded that the main reason […]
Women In Leadership

WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP My leadership landscape spans nearly 50 years, beginning as early as High School. Much of that experience has been in voluntary capacities within the Catholic Church but I can say that I have also learnt leadership in my role as a wife and mother. Regardless of our specific station in life, […]
A Season Of Secrets

A SEASON OF SECRETS As I walked through the computer lab a few days ago and passed by a group of children at work upon their assignments, we greeted each other. I stopped to say a personal word of appreciation to each one of them. However one little girl advised me not to appreciate […]
Home Away From Home

HOME AWAY FROM HOME Like many Catholics at the beginning of the global pandemic, I entered the journey with our Holy Father Pope Francis issuing an extraordinary Urbi et Orbi (blessing) to Rome and the whole world. In his homily, Papa Francis talked about the events of the pandemic bringing to light many truths. […]
Royal Perks

ROYAL PERKS ‘Prince offers all guests diamond rings as his wedding gift.’ This was a news headline I came across very recently about one of the royal families in the Middle East. As I went on to read the article, I saw images of the couple where the bride looked absolutely stunning with the […]