Finding God’s Purpose For You

FINDING GOD’S PURPOSE FOR YOU As children of God, I see two fundamental needs to our faith journey. Firstly, being affirmed in our identity through God’s eyes. Second, to know our purpose and calling in this life. As Mother Angelica fittingly puts it “God from all eternity chose you to be where you […]
The Heart Of Modesty

THE HEART OF MODESTY Originally published by Blessed Is She My initial reaction to Matthew West’s latest single “Modest is Hottest” was amusement. Although I love his music, I didn’t quite understand why the lyrics needed to carry a legalistic grip to convey the message on modesty. Besides, the word “hot” is burdened with sexual […]
That Voice

THAT VOICE “You never listen!” I’ve lost count of the number of times I have said those words to my parents. At home, in school and in friendships, there was never a time where I felt accepted. Feeling unheard and invisible constantly reminded me of how insignificant I was. ‘Shut up’, ‘Stupid’, ‘Dumb’ are […]
Healing From Sexual Abuse

HEALING FROM SEXUAL ABUSE It was the summer of 2017 when I met her. She wanted to see me following my talk on healing. As we chatted over coffee, her dark reality unfolded. She was a victim of sexual abuse, from a tender age of 8. Unable to comprehend her veracity, she lived under a […]
The Voice Within

THE VOICE WITHIN If I asked you “What is one of the most powerful tools you have in this life”, how likely are you to answer “My Voice”? In a world filled with voices, be it through social media, television shows, advertisements or even conversations with family and friends, we can go through our […]
Redefining Self-Image

REDEFINING SELF-IMAGE Most women today, asked to describe their ‘self-image’ will give an answer associated with body image. The degree to which our deepest identity is shaped by how we feel about our bodies is confounding. The struggle is real: I can personally attest to the overwhelming number of women who are literally ‘not at […]
Selfie Stick & Me

SELFIE STICK & ME Imagine an archaeological dig site in 1000 years time. A long aluminium stick with a claw on one end and button on the other is found. After much research it is discovered to be a ‘selfie-stick’ from the 21st Century. It is displayed in the National Museum with the following […]