Saint Catherine of Siena

SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA Originally published by Blessed Is She Unaware of what I was going through, a friend sent me a picture of a kintsugi bowl with the message, “When I see you, I see gold.” Kintsugi is the Japanese art of bowl-mending. Artisans reassemble broken ceramic bowls and costly gold is set into the […]
The Heart Of Worship

THE HEART OF WORSHIP Originally published by Blessed Is She Rhythm is a dancer, it’s a soul companion; you can feel it everywhere. These lyrics by the famed German group Snap from decades ago immediately transport me back in time, perhaps even to a particular moment. The relationship between music and memory is powerful, […]
Seen And Loved

SEEN AND LOVED Originally published by Blessed Is She In 2005, as secret-sharing apps like Secret and Whisper were making headlines, Frank Warren’s project PostSecret, a digital chronicle, was raking greater heights. New York Times even called it “the PostSecret phenomenon.” What started off as a blog asking strangers to write their “secrets” on a postcard […]
That Voice

THAT VOICE “You never listen!” I’ve lost count of the number of times I have said those words to my parents. At home, in school and in friendships, there was never a time where I felt accepted. Feeling unheard and invisible constantly reminded me of how insignificant I was. ‘Shut up’, ‘Stupid’, ‘Dumb’ are […]
Mental Illness – No Taboo, Only Love

MENTAL ILLNESS – NO TABOO, ONLY LOVE “God doesn’t want you to live like this. He wants to heal you.” uttered the priest as I walked out of a therapy session one day. The news of being diagnosed with a mental illness in 2021 has been both daunting and freeing. For one, I […]
Clothed With Power

CLOTHED WITH POWER One of the most dazzling of sights in holy scripture has to be the disciples’ experience in the Upper Room. Jesus had promised His Spirit and they were asked to wait, until they were clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49). I wonder if they really understood what Jesus was talking […]
The Peril Of Perfectionism

THE PERIL OF PERFECTIONISM Confession, ladies: I have struggled with perfectionism for years. I still do on so many levels. Being the goal-oriented person I am, I struggle to keep up to “the list,” “the planner,” “the performance,” very often affording myself little or no grace. It’s taken me years to even receive […]
The Window Sill

THE WINDOW SILL A favourite childhood delight was watching Dad shave. Every morning he would take his place in front of a little mirror that hung at the mid-post between two large windows which gave on to the quiet street below. As a little girl, I would often perch on the window sill and […]
iBelieve: Truth On Trinity

iBELIEVE: TRUTH ON TRINITY Ever since I was little, I have always been intrigued about science, linking everything to a cause and effect, things that can be seen and defined. While that is interesting, conversely, it made things like spirituality, religion, and God unappealing because it did not fit into the science mould as […]