BS - Chosen_cover
Have you ever wondered who qualifies for God’s elect? Do you consider yourself worthy to be among God’s chosen people? In the book of 1 Samuel, through God’s divine direction, a young rugged shepherd boy named David was appointed as future King of Israel. God’s choice of David left not only the prophet Samuel, but David’s own father perplexed. They had both made their assumptions based on external appearances. But God had a king in mind to demonstrate that He does not see as man sees. Through David’s appointment, we will learn that no one is too far to reach or too insignificant in the eyes of God. David became king and overcame unbelievable circumstances, all because of a single truth: we are chosen by God. Chosen is written to help you discover and live out your true calling. Dive into this study to understand how you too have been chosen by God, set apart for His Glory and equipped with everything you need to fulfill your calling

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