Did you know that God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things? God is always looking for faithful men and women to empower them to accomplish His will, but the question is, will we accept the call? In Isaiah 6, the prophet’s commissioning to service gives us insight into what is required for a person to view their lives as a servant of God. In one known as the fieriest of all Old Testament scenes, Isaiah’s vision of the living God, exalted in holiness, with seraphim in attendance, leaves him overwhelmed by Grace and broken by his imperfections at the same time. Yet, this is exactly what Isaiah needed to go forth as the chosen and commissioned one of God. What about you? If you feel weighed down by failure and doubt whether God can use you, this study is just for you. With deep reflections from this great passage, this study is created to help you regain your confidence and discover that you too, with all your weaknesses, can undoubtedly be one that God would commission and send into the world.

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