Extravagant Love
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Extravagant Love
You’ve heard it – God is Love. And yet the greatest gift our heavenly Father has to offer us is the one we have the most difficulty receiving—the gift of His love. Some key-truths that you will learn through this resource: – No matter what threshold of your life you are currently at, God’s plan for you is based on His unfailing, unconditional love. – Regardless of how cold your past has been, God will always embrace you with the warmth of His love. – God loves you just the way you are – even when the whole world around you screams: unattractive, unlovable, and undeserving. – You are made for this kind of love and only in experiencing such love, will you have the potential to find solutions and satisfaction to the deepest yearnings of your human heart. This resource is saturated with scripture and centered on the promises of God. It has been created to invoke your hunger for Him, expand your understanding of His character and challenge you to grow in your love of Him and one another.

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