When You’re Dreading Valentine’s Day

WHEN YOU’RE DREADING VALENTINE’S DAY… Originally published by Blessed Is She If you want to know how Valentine’s Day can make single women feel, watch 30 Rock. In the 13th episode of the hit American television series, the unattached Liz Lemon goes to great extremes to avoid Valentine’s Day… even if it means sedation via oral […]
What To Do When You Struggle To Forgive

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU STRUGGLE TO FORGIVE Originally published by Blessed Is She “Forgiveness is letting the prisoner go free, only to know the prisoner is me” is an adage that could not be truer in Corrie ten Boom’s life. In her book, The Hiding Place, the Dutch Christian writer describes her experience in Amsterdam during […]
The Thing That Happened In Between

̌THE THING THAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEN Originally published by Blessed Is She “I was one way … and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between … was Him.” These are my favorite lines from Season 1 of The Chosen TV series that portray with artistic imagination and dialogue, the back-story […]
Setting A Prisoner Free

SETTING A PRISONER FREE If you’ve experienced the bitter sting of unforgiveness at some point in your life, you are not alone. Betrayal, harsh words and failed promises leave painful cavernous aches and indelible footprints on our soul. Even at our best attempts to forgive, past emotions trigger, causing us to squirm all over again, […]
Single And Dreading Valentine’s Day

SINGLE AND DREADING VALENTINE’S DAY Cupid is back and “love is in the air”. For most part of the world, Valentine’s day is packed with romantic commercials, restaurants overbooked with ‘reservations-only’ and Hallmark stores adorned with red flowers and balloons. Then there is you. Single. Alone and dreading Valentine’s Cupid. To add to that dilemma, […]
Healing From Sexual Abuse

HEALING FROM SEXUAL ABUSE It was the summer of 2017 when I met her. She wanted to see me following my talk on healing. As we chatted over coffee, her dark reality unfolded. She was a victim of sexual abuse, from a tender age of 8. Unable to comprehend her veracity, she lived under a […]
A Bigger Love

A BIGGER LOVE Living the single life and loving it! That may be the case for us single ladies but more than often we see our friends with their bf’s or better half’s on social media and we think ‘I want that too’. On my Instagram, every second post is about someone getting engaged […]
Selfie Stick & Me

SELFIE STICK & ME Imagine an archaeological dig site in 1000 years time. A long aluminium stick with a claw on one end and button on the other is found. After much research it is discovered to be a ‘selfie-stick’ from the 21st Century. It is displayed in the National Museum with the following […]