The Swaddling Cloth

THE SWADDLING CLOTH Meditating on the Word of God should lead us to new places: new revelation in God, ourselves and others. Each word of scripture has the ability to awaken awe within us and draw us further into the mystery of God. It is easy to become so familiar with God’s Word, that our […]
Feast Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe

FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE The circumstances were dire. It was the sixteenth century and the Spaniards were conquering the land of the Aztecs violently. The Aztecs were known for their grotesque sacrifices which served to satisfy their bloodthirsty gods. At the same time, Franciscan missionaries were conquering hearts for Christ by proclaiming the […]
Presence Not Presents

PRESENCE NOT PRESENTS Advent. A time of waiting. A time when the Church invites us to enter into the profound mystery of the Incarnation. For many, preparation for this event is choosing the right presents; decorating the Christmas Tree; selecting the dinner menu; socializing with friends and family. In this hub of activity, our excitement […]
Masks And Veils

MASKS AND VEILS It was Christmas time, and the Sister in charge of the kindergarten surprised me with an offer to participate in their party……as Santa Claus! “No missing this opportunity“, I said to myself. “Yes, of course, I’ll be there,” I responded with excitement, “Thank you so much for the offer!” And so […]
Grace-filled Life

GRACE-FILLED LIFE Although being born in a Catholic home that knew the theology about Mary, I could never relate to her. It didn’t matter how much I said the Rosary and Angelus or that I had even done the consecration to the heart to Mary; I just couldn’t connect with her. I interceded through her […]
Something About Mary

SOMETHING ABOUT MARY There’s something about Mary! I’d be lying if I say I knew exactly what this meant, following my conversion in 2004. My journey to Catholicism has been long and wrecked with confusion. Among many things, Mary was a big deal. I struggled with Our Lady’s place in the life of the […]
The Lament Of Saint Monica

THE LAMENT OF SAINT MONICA Last year as the Pandemic hit the world, our caretaker heard tragic news about her son. He worked as a driver in a Middle Eastern country, and was on his way to collect his salary. When he reached his owner’s building, he found a few of his peers also gathered […]
Complete In Christ

COMPLETE IN CHRIST She stood outside in the open and free market square, flashing her big, dark eyes, attracting inevitable attention. Determined to squeeze every ounce of admiration from her prospective ‘onlookers’ and potential ‘clients’, she glanced the busy street to see if there was anyone who saw her beyond her fragrant and fertile invitation. […]
Healing From Sexual Abuse

HEALING FROM SEXUAL ABUSE It was the summer of 2017 when I met her. She wanted to see me following my talk on healing. As we chatted over coffee, her dark reality unfolded. She was a victim of sexual abuse, from a tender age of 8. Unable to comprehend her veracity, she lived under a […]
Clothed With Power

CLOTHED WITH POWER One of the most dazzling of sights in holy scripture has to be the disciples’ experience in the Upper Room. Jesus had promised His Spirit and they were asked to wait, until they were clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49). I wonder if they really understood what Jesus was talking […]