A Wilderness Experience

A WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE We’re in the season of Lent. Living in an arid land myself, the word wilderness which is starkly associated with Lent is not foreign to me, both visually and metaphorically. But regardless of how dry and wilted our habitat may be, at a deeper level we are all invited to this […]
Women In Leadership

WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP My leadership landscape spans nearly 50 years, beginning as early as High School. Much of that experience has been in voluntary capacities within the Catholic Church but I can say that I have also learnt leadership in my role as a wife and mother. Regardless of our specific station in life, […]
Redefining Self-Image

REDEFINING SELF-IMAGE Most women today, asked to describe their ‘self-image’ will give an answer associated with body image. The degree to which our deepest identity is shaped by how we feel about our bodies is confounding. The struggle is real: I can personally attest to the overwhelming number of women who are literally ‘not at […]
A Bigger Love

A BIGGER LOVE Living the single life and loving it! That may be the case for us single ladies but more than often we see our friends with their bf’s or better half’s on social media and we think ‘I want that too’. On my Instagram, every second post is about someone getting engaged […]
Beyond Gold

BEYOND GOLD The Golden Jubilee! Celebration time! Viva! Viva! What a peak moment of one’s life it is! Be it the jubilee of one’s age, state of life, career, or whatever… it generally comes with a sense of satisfaction and pride at the efforts put in and tasks achieved. Acknowledgement and celebration make it […]
Taste & See

TASTE & SEE One of the gifts of being a woman is having the ability to juggle a few things at the same time. Work, family and ministry to name a few. I have always been a person who loves to have a few things going on at the same time. I am not […]
The Better Portion

THE BETTER PORTION I recently heard a talk where the speaker referred to how the name ‘Scrooge’, a protagonist from Charles Dickens’s famous novel A Christmas Carol, has now become synonymous with anyone who is grumpy, self–contained or miserly. Interesting to think how a name, not recognized or verified by any official authorities, simply […]
Selfie Stick & Me

SELFIE STICK & ME Imagine an archaeological dig site in 1000 years time. A long aluminium stick with a claw on one end and button on the other is found. After much research it is discovered to be a ‘selfie-stick’ from the 21st Century. It is displayed in the National Museum with the following […]