Navigating Unmet Expectations In Motherhood

NAVIGATING UNMET EXPECTATIONS IN MOTHERHOOD Originally published by Blessed Is She A few months ago, I overheard my daughter Kristen talking over the phone with her friend. She beamed as she relayed how I had accepted her not-so-good grades with calm and composure. She explained that she was expected to work hard and give it […]
Healing After Infertility

HEALING AFTER INFERTILITY Originally published by Blessed Is She “Am I going to continue to trust God, even if He never fulfills the longings of my heart?” The news devastated me. I had low estrogen levels, coupled with chronic PCOS. “It may be a long wait,” the doctor said. Waiting! Again! We had spent […]
Choose Light

CHOOSE LIGHT Annie Dillard, the famed American author and poet once wrote, “If you want to look at the stars, you will find that darkness is required. But the stars…they are always there, they neither require it nor demand it.” It made me wonder if we treated life the same way. Not too long ago, […]
Masks And Veils

MASKS AND VEILS It was Christmas time, and the Sister in charge of the kindergarten surprised me with an offer to participate in their party……as Santa Claus! “No missing this opportunity“, I said to myself. “Yes, of course, I’ll be there,” I responded with excitement, “Thank you so much for the offer!” And so […]
The Lament Of Saint Monica

THE LAMENT OF SAINT MONICA Last year as the Pandemic hit the world, our caretaker heard tragic news about her son. He worked as a driver in a Middle Eastern country, and was on his way to collect his salary. When he reached his owner’s building, he found a few of his peers also gathered […]
Living In The Light

LIVING IN THE LIGHT “…98, 99, 100. Ready or not, here I come.” If you are familiar with the classic game of ‘hide and seek’, you would know the scurrying footsteps that set these words into motion. Back when I was little, this game was very popular among all the kids who lived in the […]
Raising (God’s) Children

RAISING (GOD’S) CHILDREN Many years ago, a friend and I held a Life in the Spirit Seminar for our children, the eldest being 8 and the youngest 2. We sat each day for a week around the kitchen table and told them about Jesus, how much He loved them and all about the Holy […]
Mi Hermano

MI HERMANO I only have one sibling, my older brother – ‘mi hermano’ (‘my brother’ in Spanish). He is arguably the most influential person, right from my formative years as a baby, toddler, teen and now as a young adult. Besides being my best playmate, his crazy imagination and enthusiastic ideas made for adventurous […]