What To Do When You Struggle To Forgive

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU STRUGGLE TO FORGIVE Originally published by Blessed Is She “Forgiveness is letting the prisoner go free, only to know the prisoner is me” is an adage that could not be truer in Corrie ten Boom’s life. In her book, The Hiding Place, the Dutch Christian writer describes her experience in Amsterdam during […]
The Thing That Happened In Between

̌THE THING THAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEN Originally published by Blessed Is She “I was one way … and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between … was Him.” These are my favorite lines from Season 1 of The Chosen TV series that portray with artistic imagination and dialogue, the back-story […]
Healing After Infertility

HEALING AFTER INFERTILITY Originally published by Blessed Is She “Am I going to continue to trust God, even if He never fulfills the longings of my heart?” The news devastated me. I had low estrogen levels, coupled with chronic PCOS. “It may be a long wait,” the doctor said. Waiting! Again! We had spent […]
Authentic Female Friendships

AUTHENTIC FEMALE FRIENDSHIPS Originally published by Blessed Is She The Saving Graces, written by Patricia Gaffney, is a story of four girlfriends who for a decade shared deep affection that helped them deal with the ebb and flow of life, uniting them as years went by. Their story profoundly impacted the way I viewed friendship. […]
The Heart Of Worship

THE HEART OF WORSHIP Originally published by Blessed Is She Rhythm is a dancer, it’s a soul companion; you can feel it everywhere. These lyrics by the famed German group Snap from decades ago immediately transport me back in time, perhaps even to a particular moment. The relationship between music and memory is powerful, […]
Learning From Saint Bakhita

LEARNING FROM SAINT BAKHITA The Bulli Bai app, whereby youth have been auctioning women has been sending waves of shock and disgust in recent times. Yet, the overpowering and oppression of humans by humans is as old as Cain and Abel. Modalities differ, extents differ, places differ, but the fact that there are perpetrators and […]
Discovering Joy

DISCOVERING JOY It was June 2021 and God worked a big miracle in my life. I was finally healing from a specific mental illness that had created severe wounds, both in my personal and spiritual life for years. I could taste God’s grace and freedom after what felt like eternity. I was finally happy. This […]
Masks And Veils

MASKS AND VEILS It was Christmas time, and the Sister in charge of the kindergarten surprised me with an offer to participate in their party……as Santa Claus! “No missing this opportunity“, I said to myself. “Yes, of course, I’ll be there,” I responded with excitement, “Thank you so much for the offer!” And so […]
Mental Illness – No Taboo, Only Love

MENTAL ILLNESS – NO TABOO, ONLY LOVE “God doesn’t want you to live like this. He wants to heal you.” uttered the priest as I walked out of a therapy session one day. The news of being diagnosed with a mental illness in 2021 has been both daunting and freeing. For one, I […]
God-incidences With Mother Teresa

GOD-INCIDENCES WITH MOTHER TERESA As a fresh graduate, I was thrilled to start the next chapter of my life. Finding a job in the midst of a pandemic though, not so thrilling. After spending weeks on LinkedIn looking for opportunities and failing miserably, I thought that formatting the appearance of my profile would perhaps better […]