When You’re Dreading Valentine’s Day

WHEN YOU’RE DREADING VALENTINE’S DAY… Originally published by Blessed Is She If you want to know how Valentine’s Day can make single women feel, watch 30 Rock. In the 13th episode of the hit American television series, the unattached Liz Lemon goes to great extremes to avoid Valentine’s Day… even if it means sedation via oral […]
Saint Paul’s Missing Pieces

SAINT PAUL’S MISSING PIECES Originally published by Blessed Is She We visited our new neighbors recently. Among other things that adorned their living room, a large card table filled with tiny puzzle pieces occupying a dainty corner as children beamed with ecstatic eagerness. Apparently assembling complicated jigsaw puzzles was winter tradition. As candid conversations waltzed […]
The Heart Of Modesty

THE HEART OF MODESTY Originally published by Blessed Is She My initial reaction to Matthew West’s latest single “Modest is Hottest” was amusement. Although I love his music, I didn’t quite understand why the lyrics needed to carry a legalistic grip to convey the message on modesty. Besides, the word “hot” is burdened with sexual […]
The Transfiguration Of The Lord

ON THE FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD Originally published by Blessed Is She I will never forget that ecstatic feeling, as we sat on top of “First”, the minor summit above Grindelwald, Switzerland. We were a troupe of 10, making our way to the 50th Charismatic Jubilee celebrations in Rome and had stopped […]
Authentic Female Friendships

AUTHENTIC FEMALE FRIENDSHIPS Originally published by Blessed Is She The Saving Graces, written by Patricia Gaffney, is a story of four girlfriends who for a decade shared deep affection that helped them deal with the ebb and flow of life, uniting them as years went by. Their story profoundly impacted the way I viewed friendship. […]
Single And Dreading Valentine’s Day

SINGLE AND DREADING VALENTINE’S DAY Cupid is back and “love is in the air”. For most part of the world, Valentine’s day is packed with romantic commercials, restaurants overbooked with ‘reservations-only’ and Hallmark stores adorned with red flowers and balloons. Then there is you. Single. Alone and dreading Valentine’s Cupid. To add to that dilemma, […]
Learning From Saint Bakhita

LEARNING FROM SAINT BAKHITA The Bulli Bai app, whereby youth have been auctioning women has been sending waves of shock and disgust in recent times. Yet, the overpowering and oppression of humans by humans is as old as Cain and Abel. Modalities differ, extents differ, places differ, but the fact that there are perpetrators and […]
Masks And Veils

MASKS AND VEILS It was Christmas time, and the Sister in charge of the kindergarten surprised me with an offer to participate in their party……as Santa Claus! “No missing this opportunity“, I said to myself. “Yes, of course, I’ll be there,” I responded with excitement, “Thank you so much for the offer!” And so […]
To Greater Heights

TO GREATER HEIGHTS They say, ‘Heaven is under our feet and over our heads’, and rightly so. On a wonderful Sunday morning, I stepped out with my friends on my bicycle to soak in the beauty of nature and experience the serene sights of rain-soaked mountain tops, close to where I live. With mums’ […]
How I Found My Worth

HOW I FOUND MY WORTH In this era of media, when words such as self-care, self-image and self-worth are being highlighted, how do we see reason for our own lives? Do they serve to heal the insecurities within or mask them even more? The Beginnings From as early as primary school, I saw […]