Calvary With Mary

CALVARY WITH MARY We are soon approaching the most holy week of the year, the liturgical crescendo, a time for deep reflection and entering into the heart of redemption. It is a journey to Calvary where sin and death are nailed to the Cross in the person of Jesus Christ. It is a place where […]
Setting A Prisoner Free

SETTING A PRISONER FREE If you’ve experienced the bitter sting of unforgiveness at some point in your life, you are not alone. Betrayal, harsh words and failed promises leave painful cavernous aches and indelible footprints on our soul. Even at our best attempts to forgive, past emotions trigger, causing us to squirm all over again, […]
Fasting – God’s Way

FASTING – GOD’S WAY Lent is here and it’s a good time to offer some thoughts to take us into this penitential period. Traditionally, the Church prescribes extra prayer, fasting and almsgiving as a token of Lenten sincerity and as an act of compassion. As Charismatic Catholics, we are well used to practicing these disciplines: […]
Deepening Our Lenten Journey

DEEPENING OUR LENTEN JOURNEY I have a confession to make: Lent is not my favourite Ecclesial Season. At its beginning, I’m counting down days for it to be over so I can be relieved that I don’t have to do that again for another twelve months. If not for the Grace of God, […]
Freedom At The Fringe

FREEDOM AT THE FRINGE On her wedding day, Marilyn opened her bridal dress package with great eagerness, her fingers trembling with excitement at this awesome event in her life. Tugging at the thongs she finally got the box open and gazed at the beautiful white dress in rapture. There were sighs of wonder […]
A Wilderness Experience

A WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE We’re in the season of Lent. Living in an arid land myself, the word wilderness which is starkly associated with Lent is not foreign to me, both visually and metaphorically. But regardless of how dry and wilted our habitat may be, at a deeper level we are all invited to this […]
How To Save A Life

HOW TO SAVE A LIFE Have you ever watched a movie or a TV show where a line or scene spoke directly to you or perhaps echoed a message you came across elsewhere? I for sure have these light-bulb moments. The characters and stories on these shows might surely be fictional, but when seen […]
A Season Of Secrets

A SEASON OF SECRETS As I walked through the computer lab a few days ago and passed by a group of children at work upon their assignments, we greeted each other. I stopped to say a personal word of appreciation to each one of them. However one little girl advised me not to appreciate […]