Healing After Infertility

HEALING AFTER INFERTILITY Originally published by Blessed Is She “Am I going to continue to trust God, even if He never fulfills the longings of my heart?” The news devastated me. I had low estrogen levels, coupled with chronic PCOS. “It may be a long wait,” the doctor said. Waiting! Again! We had spent […]
Being A Catholic Witness In The Workplace

BEING A CATHOLIC WITNESS IN THE WORKPLACE Originally published by Blessed Is She It was an ordinary day at work. Svend was frantically shuffling through the papers, his eyes fixated but his body language giving way to the tension that filled the air. In my new role as HR Business Partner, I quickly learned that […]
The Heart Of Worship

THE HEART OF WORSHIP Originally published by Blessed Is She Rhythm is a dancer, it’s a soul companion; you can feel it everywhere. These lyrics by the famed German group Snap from decades ago immediately transport me back in time, perhaps even to a particular moment. The relationship between music and memory is powerful, […]
Fasting – God’s Way

FASTING – GOD’S WAY Lent is here and it’s a good time to offer some thoughts to take us into this penitential period. Traditionally, the Church prescribes extra prayer, fasting and almsgiving as a token of Lenten sincerity and as an act of compassion. As Charismatic Catholics, we are well used to practicing these disciplines: […]
Deepening Our Lenten Journey

DEEPENING OUR LENTEN JOURNEY I have a confession to make: Lent is not my favourite Ecclesial Season. At its beginning, I’m counting down days for it to be over so I can be relieved that I don’t have to do that again for another twelve months. If not for the Grace of God, […]
For Such A Time As This

FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS Reading the book of Esther is like watching a thriller. The plot is inundated with twists and turns, euphoria and enigma, setbacks and stunning returns. Every scene is satiated with strategically orchestrated drama and keeps you fixated as mystery and marvel unravels with artistic imagination. There are heroes and […]
Careers And Sainthood

CAREERS AND SAINTHOOD What started off as a curiosity for animals and nature through books and stories in the Bible has now turned into one of my greatest passions. I remember moments from my childhood when I would go around trying to bring home all the street cats and dogs. I recall waking up early […]
God-incidences With Mother Teresa

GOD-INCIDENCES WITH MOTHER TERESA As a fresh graduate, I was thrilled to start the next chapter of my life. Finding a job in the midst of a pandemic though, not so thrilling. After spending weeks on LinkedIn looking for opportunities and failing miserably, I thought that formatting the appearance of my profile would perhaps better […]
The Lament Of Saint Monica

THE LAMENT OF SAINT MONICA Last year as the Pandemic hit the world, our caretaker heard tragic news about her son. He worked as a driver in a Middle Eastern country, and was on his way to collect his salary. When he reached his owner’s building, he found a few of his peers also gathered […]
Journaling In Prayer

JOURNALING IN PRAYER Catholic tradition teaches us that our God is a God who longs to continually communicate with us. The Church states that He does this in 3 basic ways: through Creation; through the voice of our conscience; and through Sacred Scripture. The truth that God is always endeavoring to get the attention of […]