A Call to 'Arise' | Widow's Son At Nain - Luke 7:11-17 | Faith-fuel Fridays | Michelle Karen D'Silva
Reflection on the passage from the Gospel of Luke where Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son at Nain (Luke 7: 11-17) Key points: • ARISE – TO SEE In the midst of the commotion and a funeral crowd, Jesus sees this grief-stricken widow. He sees Her – not just her situation or the tears and sadness but He meets her at the point of her need • ARISE – TO COMPASSION The mother’s grief became Jesus’s own grief; that young man’s death became his own death. • ARISE – TO BE FULLY ALIVE Jesus goes over to the coffin and touches the boy. This touch didn’t just solve a problem, but it penetrated into this young boy’s soul, into all that was dead within him and it raised him to new life. Arise is an invitation to rekindle Hope – You can begin again – there is Hope for you to return and be restored to become who you were always meant to be so that you can go and set this world on fire. Where would you like Christ to raise you today? What are the dead places in your life? (This recording was part of a Zoom session organized by Auckland Catholic Charismatic Renewal, New Zealand with the theme ‘ALIVE – Young man I say to you arise’)

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