Psalm 139 (Paraphrased) | Luminous Women's Conference 2021
(Written by Michelle Karen D’Silva) You know me Within me, beyond me When I sleep, When I rise When I weep, When I thrive You know me You are where I always am You are where I’m not No space, No length, No time between No memories are lost You Gaze at me My fainted heart Seek out my fears My ache in the dark I need not speak For my tears are known Your Presence is Light I’m never alone You hem me in You hold me close You walk with me This broken road When my feet are sore And I chase shadows In your rays I heal In your truth adored I flee behind the golden stars I make my bed ov’r bottomless seas I ride on wings to fly afar Too shamed to speak Too weak to breathe Yet your Hand is strong And your eyes are fierce Your Promise Shone And my sin atoned This Glorious Truth These flowing Streams When wells run dry And jars are weak Yet Your Light still shines And Cracks are healed Then sings my soul Of this Grace that seals When the world was not And I unknown You saw beyond This obscure womb This Girl within This dream alive This frame you knit Her Father’s delight She’s a Beacon of Hope A Lighthouse at Sea She’s a Gleaming Gift For a world in need Her days are sacred Let her future ignite She will illumine the world For she carries the Light This Light that shines This Fire within This Lamp that burns New Visions and Dreams So Light up dear Girl Go awaken your world Be a Light to the nations Be Luminous! Be Bright!  

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