Stones and Sanctity | Divine UK - Under My Roof | Michelle Karen D'Silva
“Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”⠀ These words spoken by Jesus in John‘s Gospel reflecting on the woman caught in the act of adultery are perhaps more true today than ever before. We live in a world of casting stones. The sin of trolls and treacherous judgment occupy our pilgrim passages on the digital Highway.⠀ This recording was taken from a Zoom session hosted by Divine UK for a series called ‘Under My Roof’. It addresses this condition of our hearts through the beautiful and illuminating story captured in John 8. I hope that this sharing will speak to the depravity of our hearts enabling us to see two types of people – Mary who was exposed and those who exposed her. I pray that as you watch this video, you will come to see the destiny of those who choose the task of casting stones and those who desire to go beyond the stones to arrive at the Great Stone that was rolled to reveal the victorious Christ.

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