WellSpring Women - Where Faith, Friendship And Freedom Overflow | Michelle Karen D'Silva
WellSpring Women is a private Facebook community for women. The mission of this sisterhood is to create a safe haven for women to grow in faith, foster authentic friendships and experience true freedom in Christ. Drawing from the Gospel of John chapter 4, WellSpring is all about flourishing to become the women God called us to be. Just like Jesus did for the Samaritan woman, Jesus does for us: offers us the glorious exchange to leave behind our broken cisterns for a well overflowing with life, healing and wholeness. Sisters, like the women of old times, let’s gather at the Well – Let’s exchange stories and together let’s strive forward towards sainthood. WELLSPRING WOMEN – FACEBOOK COMMUNITY (Click link below to join) https://www.facebook.com/groups/wellspringwomencommunity/ See you at the Well

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