When 'Encounter' exceeds 'Expectation' | Mark 6: 30-44 | Faith-fuel Fridays | Michelle Karen D'Silva
What does it mean to encounter a God who is willing to put aside his grief to feed your hungry soul? What does it mean to encounter a God who is willing to be made so small so you can be elevated in life? What does it mean to encounter a God who is willing to be broken so that you are made whole? To encounter such a God – means to encounter Life, to see Life for what Life is, not just something we manage or get by with but rather a gift – to be fully lived and cherished every single moment of the day. Today, I invite you to a deep encounter with this extravagant God. As God lavishes His love and mercy upon our lives, may we be elevated from mediocrity; able to truly see – first ourselves and our great need of Him and then a world in need. Nourished by His Word, let us step forward in faith and courage and stretch ourselves into the mighty realms that God has purposed for us. (This recording was part of a Zoom session organised by St. Anselm’s Catholic Church, Southall UK in collaboration with SAYAM – The Young Adult’s Ministry)

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