E10: Prophetic Intercession (With Anne Gatenby)
About the episode
The ministry of intercession is about access to the heart of God. Prophetic intercession enables us to let go of our agendas and receive the desires that are in God’s heart. As intercessors we have been given Power to release God’s heart on earth. In this episode, my good friend Anne Marie helps us explore what prophetic intercession really is and why our prayer groups and communities can absolutely benefit from this charismatic prayer.  


Anne Marie GatenbyAnne Marie Gatenby serves on the National and State Catholic Charismatic committees in Australia and is National coordinator for Intercession for the charismatic renewal in Australia. She has published a book on intercession and is an international speaker, equipping God’s people on how to be courageous passionate witnesses for Jesus Christ.
  1. What struck you most about the episode?
  2. Do you intentionally spend time listening to the voice of God?
  3. Do you seek the counsel of others when trying to discern what the Holy Spirit is telling you?
Intercession is where we stand between God and a prayer need and ask God for intervention. Prophetic intercession is about receiving insight from the Holy Spirit. “The words were very clearly formed and unmistakable, though not heard with bodily ear. They are however much more clearly understood than they would be if they were heard by the ear”. – St Therese of Avila

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