Reclaiming Sabbath Rest

RECLAIMING SABBATH REST Originally published by Blessed Is She “rest” This word reverberated in my stomach and tied it in knots. I had come to the end of another week, exhausted, once again. Ministry work, household chores and school schedules toppled over juggling health challenges. Somewhere along the way, lines between ministry and family time […]
E19: Openness To The Holy Spirit (With Sr. Rita D’Souza)

Readiness, obedience, selflessness, courage are some strong themes we find in the Acts of the Apostles especially in this Easter season. My guest today is a great example of one who strives to live by these morals even in today’s countercultural world. On this episode, I am joined by Sr. Rita D’Souza who unpacks some […]
E1: The Heart Of Unravel

In this first episode of Unravel, I uncover why this podcast exists, how it came to be and how it can leverage the purpose, potential and passion in women to truly discover their image and worth in Christ. Through the lens of scripture, I discuss how the Gospel of Jesus Christ helps us overcome cultural […]
E2: Called Into Mission (With Nicole Hartzenberg)

In this episode, Nicole Hartzenberg and I talk about her courageous missionary journey to Japan. As a young medical professional who received a call to leave everything behind, we share about mission, courage, discernment and what young people may desire to know in their own call to mission. ABOUT THE GUEST: Nicole Hartzenberg from […]
E3: God’s Love Is Eternal

John 3:16, says God so loved the world that He ‘gave’. This very popular biblical verse can easily run through our brains without much cognitive thought but do we really understand what it means when God says He gives us His Son? More importantly how do we live in the reality of John 3:16? In […]
E4: Discover Your Passion (With Emma Sullivan)

In this episode I have the lovely Emma Sullivan from New Zealand. With an immense passion for women’s ministry, this young fiery daughter of God bears open her heart and all that God is impressing upon it to take her forward in her new calling. Tune in to listen to some candid conversations, vulnerable moments […]
E5: God’s Plan In Isolation

Isolation, alienation and lost identities! Who among us cannot identify with each of these? How do we respond when we feel like we have lost our sense of direction during adversity? Drawing from Ruth’s life, we take on a journey to a strange and alienated land, only to discover a strange yet sanctified journey. This […]
E6: The Feminine Genius (With Ann Brereton)

Whether you are familiar with the term ‘Feminine Genius’ or find it extremely confusing, you are in the right place. In this episode I have the privilege of dissecting some great insights on this subject with my friend and mentor, Ann Brereton from Australia. Ann’s rich and long experience in ministry adds significant value to […]
E7: Mary Magdalene – Called By Name

One of the most incredible post Resurrection accounts is the appearance of the Risen Christ before Mary Magdalene. What makes Mary’s story so astounding is that she, a woman, and that too with a tainted past, becomes the first witness to the Resurrection and would then go on to be forever known as the Apostle […]
E8: Road To Emmaus (With Nicole Hartzenberg)

Shattered dreams, hopelessness, despair and disappointment over losses and failure make for fitting companions on this journey we call life and yet this is where we have the greatest opportunity to encounter the risen Jesus… if we have eyes to see. In one of what can only be described as the most powerful post resurrection […]