Saint Magdalene Of Canossa

SAINT MAGDALENE OF CANOSSA “For better prospects” is an oft heard explanation given by applicants seeking jobs, shifting jobs and migrating across countries. To better one’s life-conditions or status is considered normal and even commendable in society. Till energies permit, the normal person is constantly striving to move towards socio-economic and even political upgrade as […]
Navigating Unmet Expectations In Motherhood

NAVIGATING UNMET EXPECTATIONS IN MOTHERHOOD Originally published by Blessed Is She A few months ago, I overheard my daughter Kristen talking over the phone with her friend. She beamed as she relayed how I had accepted her not-so-good grades with calm and composure. She explained that she was expected to work hard and give it […]
When You’re Dreading Valentine’s Day

WHEN YOU’RE DREADING VALENTINE’S DAY… Originally published by Blessed Is She If you want to know how Valentine’s Day can make single women feel, watch 30 Rock. In the 13th episode of the hit American television series, the unattached Liz Lemon goes to great extremes to avoid Valentine’s Day… even if it means sedation via oral […]
Saint Paul’s Missing Pieces

SAINT PAUL’S MISSING PIECES Originally published by Blessed Is She We visited our new neighbors recently. Among other things that adorned their living room, a large card table filled with tiny puzzle pieces occupying a dainty corner as children beamed with ecstatic eagerness. Apparently assembling complicated jigsaw puzzles was winter tradition. As candid conversations waltzed […]
Peter + Paul: Saintly Polar Opposites

PETER + PAUL: SAINTLY POLAR OPPOSITES Originally published by Blessed Is She A few years ago, a colleague at work asked, “Why does the Catholic Church spend so much money on expensive cathedrals when half of the world suffers in poverty?” I wasn’t surprised. As an atheist turned Catholic, I have been there and wonder […]
What To Do When You Struggle To Forgive

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU STRUGGLE TO FORGIVE Originally published by Blessed Is She “Forgiveness is letting the prisoner go free, only to know the prisoner is me” is an adage that could not be truer in Corrie ten Boom’s life. In her book, The Hiding Place, the Dutch Christian writer describes her experience in Amsterdam during […]
The Heart Of Modesty

THE HEART OF MODESTY Originally published by Blessed Is She My initial reaction to Matthew West’s latest single “Modest is Hottest” was amusement. Although I love his music, I didn’t quite understand why the lyrics needed to carry a legalistic grip to convey the message on modesty. Besides, the word “hot” is burdened with sexual […]
The Transfiguration Of The Lord

ON THE FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD Originally published by Blessed Is She I will never forget that ecstatic feeling, as we sat on top of “First”, the minor summit above Grindelwald, Switzerland. We were a troupe of 10, making our way to the 50th Charismatic Jubilee celebrations in Rome and had stopped […]
The Thing That Happened In Between

̌THE THING THAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEN Originally published by Blessed Is She “I was one way … and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between … was Him.” These are my favorite lines from Season 1 of The Chosen TV series that portray with artistic imagination and dialogue, the back-story […]
Healing After Infertility

HEALING AFTER INFERTILITY Originally published by Blessed Is She “Am I going to continue to trust God, even if He never fulfills the longings of my heart?” The news devastated me. I had low estrogen levels, coupled with chronic PCOS. “It may be a long wait,” the doctor said. Waiting! Again! We had spent […]