E16: Jesus And Business (With Anthea Fransman)
About the episode
If you are wondering whether it’s possible for a woman to be a lover of Jesus, family and career combined, then this episode is gonna prove to you just that! Founder and owner of her own sustainable business, Anthea Fransman from Cape Town, South Africa joins us on this episode to share about her journey of faith and what it means to be a Christian influence at the workplace.  


Anthea FransmanAnthea Fransman is a lover of all things sustainable and considers it her personal calling to look after the environment. With a passion for God’s creation and His people, she now runs her own business – Recycle 1st. But nothing gets her more fired up than bonding with the women’s community. The Rosary is her favorite go-to prayer while chocolate cake is always an answered prayer. She makes her home in Cape Town South Africa with her husband Anton and their two littles – Selene and Dominic. You can connect with her on Instagram at @antheafransman
  1. What struck you most about the episode?
  2. How do you influence those around you?
  3. Do you seek prayer to balance your faith, family and work life?
  1. Christ waits to set you free.
  2. Faith is a personal experience.
  3. God has designed women to tell stories.

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