iBelong to the 'Father' | iBelong Youth Retreat 2020 | Michelle Karen D'Silva
Are you restless within your Spirit, unaware of your calling and purpose in life? Does the guilt of your past hold you captive from a life of freedom? Do you feel weighed down by a sense of perfection – always trying to be validated and appreciated for what you do? No matter where You are on this journey called Life, I want to reassure you that you are not alone. There is a God whose ‘Love’ is the answer to all your questions. Today, God knows where you are and He’s calling you home, into His bosom. He reminds you and me that we Belong to Him. Come, Taste and See that He is Good, He is Kind, He is for us and not against us. Allow yourself to be embraced by a Father whose Love transcends all boundaries. He is Daddy, in whose lap You can dare to go and take a nap. Let nothing stop you from accepting this invitation of extravagant love. (This video is a proprietary of Aflame Ministries, Mumbai India. It was produced for their virtual youth retreat titled ‘iBelong 2020’. This initiative was primarily organized on the occasion of the International Youth. Do Subscribe to their channel below to access more resources – ttps://www.youtube.com/aflameministries)

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