E10: Prophetic Intercession (With Anne Gatenby)

The ministry of intercession is about access to the heart of God. Prophetic intercession enables us to let go of our agendas and receive the desires that are in God’s heart. As intercessors we have been given Power to release God’s heart on earth. In this episode, my good friend Anne Marie helps us explore […]
E11: Father’s Day

‘A father is his son’s first hero and his daughter’s first love.’ Although quotes like these soften our hearts, the reality of a ‘father’ may not be a very blissful picture for many. I would like to address such daughters for whom ‘Father’s Day’ doesn’t necessarily call for celebration. I hope that through this episode, […]
E12: The Dangers Of New Age Practices (With Jana Cerquettini)

In today’s episode we are talking about something that’s still making headlines in magazines, on television and in the media. It is still hyped by healthcare professionals, and it’s still enticing consumers at local department stores. What am I talking about? I’m talking about Yoga – a practice praised by many for its calming effect […]
E13: City On A Hill

On this episode, I reflect on personal and community experiences through the lens of the Transfiguration of the Lord where Christ was revealed in all His glorious splendor. It is my hope that this sharing will serve as a reminder that we all possess this same Glorious Light within us. You and I were created […]
E14: A Call To Religious Vocation – Part 1 (With Sr. Rita D’Souza)

Consecrated life, Vocation, Mission, Charisms, Evangelization… we’re talking about all of this and a whole lot more on this two-part series with Sr. Rita D’Souza. If you have been discerning a call to religious life for yourself or your loved ones, tune in to this podcast episode as Sr. Rita draws from her own vocation […]
E15: A Call To Religious Vocation – Part 2 (With Sr. Rita D’Souza)

Consecrated life, Vocation, Mission, Charisms, Evangelization… we’re talking about all of this and a whole lot more on this two-part series with Sr. Rita D’Souza. If you have been discerning a call to religious life for yourself or your loved ones, tune into this podcast episode as Sr. Rita draws from her own vocation journey, […]
E16: Jesus And Business (With Anthea Fransman)

If you are wondering whether it’s possible for a woman to be a lover of Jesus, family and career combined, then this episode is gonna prove to you just that! Founder and owner of her own sustainable business, Anthea Fransman from Cape Town, South Africa joins us on this episode to share about her journey […]
E17: Serving Crisis Pregnancies (With Arlene Theknath)

‘Nothing in our life is wasted.’ This may sound too unreal, but the story of our guest on this episode is a rich testimony to the goodness of God – of the One who brings purpose out of our pain, creates beauty from our ashes and uses even our mistakes to change the world. Join […]
E18: When Father’s Day Feels Heavy (With Cait Winters)

The feelings surrounding Father’s Day are varied. For many it may stimulate gratitude and honor, yet for many others this day is perhaps more complicated filled with feelings of anxiousness and fear. Regardless of the successes and failures of our earthly fathers, this episode directs us to the source of everlasting and perfect love – […]